Sunday 2 March 2014

Thinking Ahead

Okay so by ahead I only mean this coming week but that's quite an achievement for me these days. That doesn't mean that I don't plan.  I do.  Sort of.  But this time I've done no planning apart from booking my flights. The rest is all being planned for me.

I'm going to Sydney to stay with a close friend of over 50 years who lives in Canada but who has a daughter living in Sydney.   The last time we were all together was when we all holidayed in Italy in 2012.  Her daughter has been on at me for years because we meet in Europe or here in New Zealand but I've never been to visit her in Sydney which is less than 4 hours away across the Tasman from New Zealand!

It is more years than I can remember since I have been away for more than a day or so without my laptop: especially if there were photos to be downloaded and blogs to be written.  Well the next eight days will be different.  I leave here at crack of dawn tomorrow morning.  Me, my iPad and my iPhone and no Macbook!  I have, however, decided that by the time I get to Sydney I will have learned more about using my iPad.  I know that at the moment I do not realise its full potential.  I've even downloaded the Apple manual for it.  My intention is to carry on blogging as if I was doing so on the laptop.  I suddenly decided this because of a post by Carol in Cairns.  Thank you Carol for that and for the subsequent information.

Why the photo below?  Simply because I wanted to see if I could do this post with a photo from the iPad.

A rather large hearse with a 1929 Austin 7 tucked in behind.

Well it didn't all go completely to plan.  The picture downsized itself and you can't take photos off the iPad using Blogger in Safari on the iPad which is rather odd.  However I'm sure I'll overcome these difficulties and carry on blogging.


  1. Have a good trip.
    Way beyond me are all these pads and apps.

    1. Of course they are not beyond you Adrian. You just don't have the interest in them that you have in Photoshop.

  2. have you got the actual Blogger App for mobile and Ipad?? its easier than using Safari :)

    1. Yes Fiona I have had the Blogger App almost since I got the iPad. Until now though I've never used it. Hopefully it will earn its keep during the next week.

  3. My sister has an iPad which has come in quite useful on our travels together, for looking up local bus times and restaurants and so on. She also allowed me to use it for a few emails to people back home, but I find typing on the virtual keyboard of the iPad a bit annoying; it slows me down from my usual typing speed and so I tend to write only very little on it. Won't get my own iPad mainly for that reason, plus I am happy enough with my ancient iPhone most of the time.

    1. A the keyboard isn't ideal Meike I agree. It's all a compromise and I'll let you know how it goes after a week!

  4. The great thing about tomorrow GB is that you get an extra 3 hours in the day. Have a great holiday.

    1. Well I've needed those hours Carol to fit everything into the day but it's nearly bedtime and I shall just respond to the comments first.

    2. Carol I have just encountered a problem which I've had before and which I know Frances has. I made a mistake in the last comment and it didn't matter what I did I couldn't rectify it.

    3. I am assuming you mean you found the error before you published it? Get used to toggling between the keyboard and the little keyboard key in the bottom right corner. It was one tip I forgot to tell you.
      If you are typing and see a mistake further back, you have to position the cursor where you want to correct the typing. Because you are in type mode you almost have to turn it into edit mode by pressing the little keyboard key in the bottom right corner first. Once it is pressed, tap where you want to back space and correct. Then to continue typing at the end again, press the little keyboard key to switch back into type mode.

      I hope that makes sense. If they have other names, I apologise to Apple. It is not the best editing correction solution, but it is how I have found things to work.

  5. Enjoy your visit, GB. Oh, and when you've mastered the photo to iPad thing, please share the secret with me.

    1. Frances I think I've sorted the photos but I haven't sorted out how to rectify errors in comments. It just freezes and won't allow amendments or even additions. I know you have the same problem.

  6. :( I have it in my 'to do list' to book in a get together with you, my boys haven't seen you this trip. I'm really sad now! Sorry we didn't catch up again. Enjoy your travels and I'll look forward to your postings xx

    1. It's okay Julia I'm back to Napier on Monday. We'll catch up before I leave.

    2. Yay, we'll organise something. When do you leave for the UK?

  7. A whole week away from your Macbook! I do hope your iPad will help you (and us) through the separation anxiety :)

    1. Monica it's not been doing too well so far but then I haven't had as much time as I anticipated to do blogs either.

  8. Have yourself a great time down under with your friends....sounds like lots of fun.
    By the time you are finished tinkering around with your IPad, you will be able to create a blog post with your eyes shut.

    1. Thanks Virginia it has been lots of fun so far and now there are only two more sleeps before I head back to NZ.
