Monday, 17 March 2014

Sort of Success and Sore Ribs

Sometimes good sense leaves me and I go just that little bit too far and I know that I'm by no means alone in that.  Anyway since my last post I've spent almost no time in Blogland but I've had a guest and I've been playing in an Association Croquet Tournament I'd agreed to play in ages ago.  It's a local area one and being held, conveniently for me, at the club I play at.  

This is where being sensible and I parted company.  Sensible would have felt his sore and crackling ribs and pulled out.  Me?  I played.  I've discovered something when it comes to cracked ribs.  In order of pain the following things are to be avoided: sneezing, coughing, hiccuping or burping,  playing long croquet roll shots and then laughing.  It goes without saying that turning over in bed (assuming the analgesics and brandy deaden things enough for you to get to sleep in the first place which, for the record, they did for me) will cause you to wake (and possibly wake everyone else as well).  

So after two days undefeated I played in the final and lost to the better player 17:13.   They were very enjoyable days.  They were very sore days and Sensible eventually managed to persuade me to pull out of the event being played today and tomorrow.  Another 16+ hours would have been a step too far.  So today and tomorrow I shall be catching up with things in general and Blogland in particular.   It's a shame in some ways because it's 35℃ as on the deck with a slightly cooler breeze as I type this and I'd love to be on the lawns.  Mais, c'est la vie.

So hopefully before this afternoon is over I shall have a few more photographs from Australia with which to regale you.


  1. Ribs are a real pain and it lasts a long time.

    1. I'm beginning to realise that Red after a night of clicking and grinding. It sounds quite amusing when I look at it objectively but when it's one's own ribs it's a bit difficult to be objective.

    2. Eeeek. 'Clicking and grinding'??? Sounds dreadful! I could handle your descriptions up until then! Are we in an episode of 'House'?

    3. Kate it's pretty uncomfortable really and although the constant pain has subsided as, presumably, the inflammation and bruising has lessened, the acute pain that comes with some movements now means that I am having to sleep in a recliner chair because lying of any sort gives jabbing pains which make sleep impossible.

  2. Ibuprofen and whisky do the job. I don't thnk it's a long term solution though.

    1. Paracetamol, ibuprofen and brandy worked until last night Adrian! I've obviously become immune.

  3. What you said to avoid when one has cracked ribs applies to back pain, too. I hate sneezing and coughing - and I was doing quite a lot of it all of last week - and always look for something to support myself on, so that not all the weight rests on my spine, when I feel a sneeze coming. Doesn't always work, obviously.
    You are right in not being alone in going a step too far sometimes! A few years ago, I (of course against the severe warnings of everyone who knew about it) ran my hometown's City Run in spite of having the shingles. But I enrolled for the 5K instead of the full 10K, so I felt very virtuous! Got me a well-deserved scolding from my GP (and about everyone else) afterwards.

    1. Yes, Meike, why do we do these things? I'm certainly paying for the weekend now and it looks as though I'm going to have to cancel everything that involves physical exertion for a week or so.

  4. Sorry to hear you are still in so much pain but glad you managed a game. Love CJ

    1. Thanks CJ. I'm not complaining when I compare this with what you put up with. Apart from anything else if I'm sensible ('fat chance' I hear you mutter) my pain should eventually go when the ribs heal. Mind you a lady in the Croquet Club still has a 'floating' rib 4 months after breaking some.

  5. Welcome to the non-sensible brigade of the Reckless, GB! People like us like to live dangerously, and we sufer the consequences. But enjoy some rest, and get better soon.

    1. Frances on his way back north I'll pop him on the back of a finely tuned horse. It will give croquet a bit of perspective.
      They are big daft things are trained horses. Get them at full gallop and they are easy to ride but don't realise that within a hundred metres they have a bank, a load of twigs a near vertical drop and then a bit of a pond to negotiate. I find the least painful solution to the problem is to bail out.

    2. Ha Frances and Adrian and horses! The only other time I've ever broken a bone was when I fell off a horse that tried to gallop down the side of Helvellyn. Unfortunately there was no ground to fall onto where I came off. Fortunately when the ground and I eventually met there was lots of bracken to stop me falling any further down the mountainside. It was then that I decided that horses and I were probably not suited to each other.

    3. Hang on a minute...who brought horses into this? Not me. (Though I did have an adventure this morning with some paragliders and a horse. But I'll save that for another time.)

    4. No Frances, Adrian brought the horses galloping in. Adrian shares your love of the equine. I took the introduction to mean that if I really wanted to experience pain then ride a horse with broken ribs. Er no. I'll rephrase that. .....experience pain with broken ribs then ride a horse. It's better that the horse doesn't have broken ribs because they can be skittish enough as it is.

  6. While sorry to hear you're still in pain I'm glad you decided (at last) to give "sense" a chance and skip a couple of days of Glad Game on the croquet lawns. Hopefully your body will reward you for it by healing faster! ♥

    1. Monica there is nothing like a Really Bad Night to bring one to one's senses. This morning I'm feeling very sensible!

  7. I sense your disappointment at having to opt out of the croquet match but it's a good thing that your common sense finally kicked in.
    For the record I think there is one other activity you must avoid with cracked ribs.....loud

    1. Virginia my common sense really has been sorely tried the last week or so. As for your last sentence that has not, so far, been a problem.

  8. Glad to see you back blogging, and that sounds like you enjoy being in croquet tournaments, without cracked ribs, of course.

    1. Terra, when it comes to physical activity croquet is without a doubt my principal and favourite occupation.
