Monday 29 November 2010
I Considered Modesty
Friday 26 November 2010
Time to Go
Thursday 25 November 2010
Thankful Thursday
Like Jaz I am thankful that I live in a country that cares.
Just in case
Tuesday 23 November 2010
We Eat How Many?
Monday 22 November 2010
Sunday 21 November 2010
A Branch in The Sea
No Consolation
Saturday 20 November 2010
A Visit from Pauline
I have now visited several places that I'd not seen before despite all those good intentions over the last number of years. I'm sure that they will be the subject of blogs over the next few days. In the meantime here are just a few views from the past few days:
Friday 19 November 2010
Thursday 18 November 2010
Thankful Thursday
Wednesday 17 November 2010
Been Shopping
Tuesday 16 November 2010
More Immoral Waste
Monday 15 November 2010
The Family Evening
Saturday 13 November 2010
Young Tearaways!
Friday 12 November 2010
By the way it is the Skylark which has made me realise that birds may have different accents too. A Skylark in the paddock here has the same song as in the croft at Eagleton but the accent is different. Yes. Truly.
Thursday 11 November 2010
The Cottage
By 2008 the transformation was amazing and I posted The Homestead.
Last year I posted I've Arrived: What Now?
This year the lavender in front of The Cottage has grown and been cut back but some bushes have been lost and even though I replaced them last year they have refused to grow in that spot. I'll have to think about that one.
Thankful Thursday
And I'm thankful that I was persuaded to visit New Zealand and circumstances have allowed me the privilege of seeing Milford Sound (West Coast, South Island, New Zealand) and on a fine day and with a good friend, Steve.
Wednesday 10 November 2010
Tuesday 9 November 2010
An Afternoon Lying on the Grass
Saturday 6 November 2010
Totally Irrelevant
Thursday 4 November 2010
Thankful Thursday
Of Dishwashers and Asparagus Soup
Tuesday 2 November 2010
Notes To Myself
Weather and washing: Never trust a lightening sky! Even in New Zealand. Of course I'd never trust any sky in Scotland. Everyone except hillwalkers who wear high heels knows that the weather in Scotland changes faster than the time it takes to open the picnic basket. But in Hawkes Bay one expects a lighter sky to herald sun. Well not this morning. It's been raining a lot of the time since I arrived back. This morning the forecast was for showers clearing by lunchtime. I was over-optimistic. Well, I usually am in most walks of life. I hung the washing out and made myself a coffee. I'd completed two clues in the cross-word when I heard an ominous drumming on the roof of the deck. Monsoon rain! Ah well. I don't need anything that's on the line this week anyway.
So that's where that is! Never assume things are where you think they are. The number of times I've looked for things when I was in Eagleton and not been able to find them is uncountable. Since I arrived back here I've found a syringe that I 'knew' was in a particular cupboard in Eagleton, two books I was certain I'd taken back to the UK, a tape measure I'd spent ages looking for one day and I've realised that the phone charger I had here couldn't possible have been because I didn't buy the phone until I was back in Scotland last April when Gaz collected me from Glasgow Airport. Ho hum.
Too cryptic: Never write cryptic notes to oneself. When I woke in the middle of the night a few nights ago and wrote three A4 pages of notes to myself many of them were cryptic. One, however, read 'Woke snored - welding a large pole to keep things - thoughts - ugly things away from me.' Assuming that I was awake when I wrote those words I must either have been in an exceptionally inventive frame of mind or I must have been thinking gibberish as well as writing it.