Friday, 7 March 2014

Thankful Thursday

It's been a super but very mixed week so far.  I've been having problems trying to get a post sorted with photos despite all the theory being right.  Trying to do a simple task like get the photos in the right order now that I've got an app which will downsize them is taking too much time.  I've been doing the real tourist things is Sydney which is really good when one has a Sydneyite to show you round.

Today we came to the Blue Mountains and went on a 3 hour fairly easy tramp. Given the fact that I need a new knee I was delighted to complete it with very little pain or inconvenience.  For that I was very thankful.

We managed to get a tourist bus back from where we were to the town we are staying in after the tramp.  Unfortunately my innate feeling that busses are inherently a form of transport to be avoided was justified by the fact that I didn't sit down quickly enough and was catapulted ribs first onto a seat rail with unfortunate consequences for my ribs.  At best I've cracked one or two. The good news is that there's nothing to be done about it.  The bad news is that it's very very painful.  

So tonight I'm very thankful for the fact that I didn't break an ankle or a leg today. 

As for a blog post with all the pictures I'm sure that at the very worst I'll get a post done when I get back to New Zealand.  


  1. Not funny things are cracked ribs. It is a good job you don't smoke.

    Modern buses are dangerous. They have the massive open area for wheelchairs with nothing in it to grab. I suspect they are trying to put us all in invalid carriages then they can save the cost of seats altogether.

    Next time get a cab.

    1. Adrian I've discovered just how unfunny they are. I'd rather just have listened to other people's stories but there we are. Certainly busses are inherently dangerous if you are not sitting down and strapped in and they do an emergency stop. We were exceptionally lucky to get a bus because it was a long way back to the motel and we were in the middle of nowhere. It was one of these tourist busses which took pity on us.

  2. Oh dear ~ I hope you will be OK. Not a nice memory of your holiday.

    1. Thanks Carol I'd far rather it hadn't happened but so far it's not put much of a a damper on the things we had intended to do. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are very handy used correctly!

  3. Oh dear - ouch! That must be very painful indeed (even if a broken leg would cause even more trouble). I hope you can still get some good things out of the rest of your holiday. ♥

    1. Monica so far so good on the getting things done front ta.

  4. Sorry to hear about the rib injury GB. Was the Australian F1 driver Mark Webber driving the bus? Or maybe it was an FU driver! I have had cracked ribs myself and probably the worst thing is getting comfortable in bed and getting a good night's sleep.

    1. YP if Mark had been driving he'd probably have gone around whatever it was regardless of the consequences . So far lots of exercise, the tiredness of pain, the analgesics and Shiraz have ensured that I've had plenty of sleep.

  5. Aua! (That's German for "ouch", just in case you were wondering.)
    What an inconsiderate bus driver! He (or she) should not have started while there were still passengers not yet seated.

    1. Meike I never knew that that was the German for "ouch". To be fair to the bus driver I should have been seated more speedily.

  6. So sorry to hear about your cracked ribs. So painful. Like the rock song: "Every breath you take, every move you make ... " Get well soon -- hope it doesn't spoil the rest of your holiday. xoxo

    1. So true Carol and rather ironic given that it's only a week or two since I quoted that very song in paraphrase. So far the rest of the holidays been good thanks.

  7. GB, so sorry to hear about your cracked ribs...please take it easy from now on.
    Glad your enjoyed your Blue Mountains trek.
    Once again I've learned another fact from your blog. I thought there was only the Blue Mountain range in Jamaica, now I know Australia has one too.

    1. Virginia I've managed to enjoy things regardless of the cracked ribs by making sure that I'm careful (and by taking analgesics when I'm not!).

  8. Injured ribs are not fun. Bus drivers who start before passengers are seated are imbeciles.

    1. Absolutely right red. They are not. To be fair to the bust driver I was upstairs and took longer to get seated than I should have done.

  9. You have my sympathy, I know how cracked ribs hurt. Hope you can enjoy the rest of your holiday, just try not to laugh too much, and avoid coughing at all costs.

    1. Oh yes Pauline I know you'd understand. Not laughing is a bit of a problem but coughing has so far been avoided except when a peanut went down the wrong way.

  10. Get well soon, GB. I was going to make a funny remark but that would have been too cruel...

  11. Ouch! I broke a rib coughing (I was pregnant, and apparently this isn't uncommon) and it was agony. I really feel for you. But good that you had an enjoyable time.

    1. Frances I've managed to have a lovely time despite the pain. I cannot believe that you broke a rib coughing! You have to be the mistress of the broken bone (I'm sure that I don't know anyone who has broken more bones - and very important ones too! - on separate occasions than you have).

  12. going backwards through your posts, I now know how you hurt your ribs, so sorry! I hope they heal very soon.
