Sunday 30 November 2008

Dannevirke Brothel

Dannevirke, as I have explained, is a town through which the main State Highway 50 passes. This is it:

One of the most imposing buildings in many New Zealand towns is the Public Trust office and above the colonnade of many such buildings are the words 'Public Trust'.

Public Trust is New Zealand's largest trustee organisation. It provides a wide range of legal, financial, investments, trusts, home loans, conveyancing, estate management and estate protection services. Its role is to help people to protect and manage their family interests and assets during their lifetime… and after they are gone.

I'm not sure how many of the original buildings are still Public Trust offices but certainly many of the buildings are still standing. However I think that I can say with a fair degree of confidence that this is almost certainly the only one that is now a brothel.

According to the press the competition for positions at Dannevirke's new brothel has been stiff, with applications coming from far and wide. Promiscuous Girlz madam Teresa McGregor said a month or so ago "The bordello is set to open on Friday - and applications have been streaming in from all over the country. 'Oh man, we have just had heaps of response. It's been much easier than I thought'." Applications had been appearing from "everywhere - everywhere but Dannevirke" she said. "People seem to be quite keen to come here, so I am quite surprised."

Last month, the Manawatu Standard revealed Ms McGregor's planned to open a brothel in the Public Trust building, in the town's main street. Since then, public and national media interest has been high. Opponents within the town have held protest meetings, arranged an 800 signature petition, and argued against the brothel's resource consent. But on July 24 the bordello got the final green light from the Tararua District Council, and since then Ms McGregor has been kept busy hiring staff and ensuring the building is up to code. And not only were staff numbers up, but expectant patrons had been pre-booking in anticipation of the weekend's grand opening.

Ms McGregor said. "I have got a few bookings, so things are looking good. A few's better than none I tell myself, so fingers crossed." She hadn't noticed any ill-feeling or negativity directed towards her lately within the town. "Not that I am aware of, I never was aware of it - I hardly read the newspapers or watch TV. "I have been told the knitting lady [brothel opponent Gillian Allardice] has backed off. She's not going to be knitting outside any more." Ms McGregor denied reports there would be themed rooms in the bordello. "No, they're just rooms."


  1. You have done some remarkably interesting posts in the past but I have to say this beats the rest by a mile (or at least a furlong).

  2. Brothel closed doors after 3 weeks,
    say no more
