Thursday, 19 January 2012

A Seeing To By Adrian

Adrian commented that he liked the first picture on my last post.  It was, I think, posted straight from the camera.  I've just received an email from Adrian with a version to which he has given a seeing to.  I like it.  As I've said a million times before I must, I must spend some time learning Photoshop.

I'm sorry Jill.  The turbines are still there.  Ironically if I got rid of them I think the photo would be less interesting.


  1. The wind farm would take a day to get rid of. Be quicker to blow it up.

  2. Normally wind turbines don't bother me but I'd happily set the fuses for blasting these!

  3. Brilliant picture - but do you know, I think I quite like the windmills on the skyline but then I don't have to live under them.

  4. Not many people do live near them and because they are not located in a valley (like the first ones I saw in Wales many years ago) you don't hear them - and there are 286 in total!

  5. When I was in Palmerston North recently, I stayed in a room that gave a peek of these between buildings. I guess my reaction will be unpopular here, but I found them breathtakingly beautiful. And this from someone who is usually very 'natural-environmentally'-minded.

  6. I'm glad that you said that Katherine. If one goes to the tourist lookout in Ashhurst or up on the top of the Saddle Road the whole spectacle is absolutely awesome and very beautiful.

  7. I agree with Katherine. I clearly remember the only time I saw them, from miles and miles away, catching glimpses of them as I drove closer, looking for them when they were out of sight. I was captivated by them. I like that they stand out a bit more after Adrian's seeing to.
