Thursday 24 March 2011

Into The Unknown

It's Thursday night and I'll soon be off to bed.  I'm off first thing up to the Mahia Peninsula on the East coast a couple of hours North of here.  The Tournament Girls and I are off to stay at the bach (pronounced batch) of one of our number, Sandra.  A bach is a country cottage.  Usually by the sea.  They range from the original fairly basic wooden cottages to some quite palatial ones these days which are not really baches but are still called that by their owners in wonderful understatement.  The 'bach' we stayed in a few weeks ago slept 19 and was certainly not basic. 

The weather forecast for tomorrow is reasonable but the rest of the weekend is supposed to be pretty miserable.  Ah well.  I've never been to the The Mahia peninsula but it is, by all accounts, an idyllic place.

It's pretty much in the middle of nowhere and I have absolutely no idea whether there will be cellphone signal to enable me to get the internet.  If not I'll be out of communication until Monday evening.
Whatever happens I'll hopefully have lots of material for blogging by the end of the weekend.


  1. Mahia - “the murmuring of home” - you are going to love the place I just know it!

  2. Just the name of the place makes it sound exotic. :)

  3. I love the idea of a cottage by the sea. Well, you have that back in Scotland, don't you? Your very own bach.

  4. I found you tonight through your friend Scrappy Grams. You have an interesting site and I am looking forward to being a new follower.
    Sounds like a awesome trip to be going on. Have fun for all of us

  5. It's Monday evening :o)
    Welcome home.
