Friday 11 April 2014

TWOO and a Big Mistake

Apparently there are 55 million Twoo users worldwide.  How could it be, therefore, that until last night I'd never even heard of it.  When I got up just after 0530 this morning I wished very fervently that I was still in a state of blissful ignorance.  

As it was I spent the first 3 hours of this dreich morning in a damage limitation exercise.

I had assumed that the contact list in my computer had been compromised but in fact I've now discovered that Twoo actually had access to the contacts in one of my Google accounts: the one from which the email was sent and only one, ironically, that had any contacts in it because I had previously deleted and ceased to store contacts in the other Google accounts.

How did it all arise?  I received an invitation from someone I know to join them and, being curious at that moment, instead of just declining as I usually do for social networking sites (except Facebook), I decided to see what it was.  To quote the line from one of my favourite scenes in any movie "Big mistake. Big. Huge."

Well I won't make that one again.

Doubtless, though, I'll find some other mistakes to make.  Life's like that.


  1. I have never heard of TWOO, but I suppose you have to be looking for that kind of social network for it to come across one's radar. I love how Facebook and LinkedIN go to such lengths to get me to login and keep using their product. So and so has posted this, so and so has recommended you for that. They are nuisances.

    1. They are indeed Carol. I did once upon a time join LinkedIn because I had friends on it and I was looking for someone in particular for a specific reason. It was pretty easy to come off it when I ceased to need it and I'd made sure that it didn't have access to my contacts.

  2. You've given us a good reminder.

    1. Yes, Red. it's been a reminder to me too!

  3. No harm done I didn't respond as it took me hours over days to get rid of Facebook.

  4. My field of work is data protection and IT security. What google does there (allowing third parties access to their users' contacts) is actually illegal in Germany, unless the user has given his or her explicit permission. And even then it is questionable whether said user is entitled to give others access to the personal data of the people in his contact list without having asked each and every one of these people for their explicit permission!
    I do understand social networks want to recruit new members. But they should not resort to illegal methods.

    1. It should be illegal everywhere Meike (in my humble opinion). Presumably I failed to see a well camouflaged permission clause or tick somewhere on the site.

  5. LinkedIn did the same at one point. There was a tiny checkbox somewhere in the sign up process that give them the right to access the contact details. The idea being it would automatically add anyone in your contacts that was already on LinkedIn to your network. But they then changed it at some point to spam anyone in the list that wasn't on LinkedIn. Turned out not to be a very popular approach!

    1. Mark I really think that transparency is important. I'm pretty clued up on these things but I managed to miss this one. I shall just revert to ignoring them in future!

  6. Ah, so that is where it came went straight into my spam folder and I always ignore these types of things anyway, glad to hear I did the right thing by ignoring it.

    1. Glad that you did that Serenata. I liked that you saw and photographed a Grey Warbler when you were here by the way. I've not managed that in 9 years.

    2. It wasn't a perfect shot, but I was pleased I managed to as well. Not so many birds around at that time of year after the breeding season, so lucky to get the few shots that I did.

  7. Don't feel bad, I had no idea about TWOO either.
    I just deleted the invitation email that came in from you ...I don't usually delete emails from you, but you already know that.

    1. I'm over it now Virginia but at 0530 when I got the first email I as pretty gutted.

  8. Oh lord, GB, and just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water .... xoxo Carol

    1. I'm never really convinced about water being safe at the best of the times Carol.
