Wednesday 23 April 2014

Picture Size: Update and iPad Comment Tip

Nephew-in-Law and computer programming whiz, Mark, has worked his magic.

Anyone with any equipment, platform and browser (which, for the most part amongst my readers who had problems seems to be iPad users) should now see my photos fitted into the available space for the blog.

If you return to the post Picture Size: A Test the top picture should appear on your post the same size as the second one.

Thank you Mark!

Most, perhaps all, iPad users, and that includes me some of the time, have problems when making comments on blogs if they make a mistake.  Carol in Cairns explained to me why and how to solve the problem.  I can't remember why and I can't find Carol's email with the instructions but here is the how:

When you make a mistake and the program will not let you make any alterations to a draft comment  simply touch the 'keyboard remove' key in the bottom right of the on-screen keyboard.  Then touch the comment box to re-instate the keyboard.  It should then work.


  1. So much to know about blogging. I like when all goes smoothly.

  2. Glad I could help. For those who are interested.....

    The problem was that the main column of the blog doesn't have a fixed width so it grows and shrinks to the available screen space. This is why most people on a PC didn't notice a problem as there was always enough room for the photos GB posted. I'd seen the problem before on my netbook that has a small screen (1024x600 pixels) but most modern PC or laptop monitors will be bigger than that. Tablets like the iPad are the main problem. The solution is to ensure that the images are never wider than the column by shrinking them down if needed. You can do this by adding some CSS to the blog template. Quite where you will need to add it will depend on the template unfortunately so I can't give a general solution. The CSS though will look like

    max-width: 100%;

    This means that the maximum width of the photo is 100% of it's parent (which is usually the column width). For this blog I tweaked that slightly to only use 90% of the width due to a few other style rules.

    You can see this in action, even on a PC, by making your browser window narrower while looking at the front page of this blog. You'll see that as the main column gets narrow, the images get smaller. They never get bigger than their original size though so they keep their quality when viewed normally.

    1. Thanks Mark. Your contribution has been very much appreciated.

  3. Returned to your picture post and they are still different sizes...should they be the same?

    1. Serenta, they should be different sizes. They will only end up the same size, if they have to be shrunk to fit the width of the blog post. If you are viewing this blog on a PC with a sensible screen size you won't notice any difference from before, but people with small screen sizes will now get to see the whole image, albeit a smaller version than you see.

    2. Not necessarily Serenata. You use a laptop and there were no problems for you in the first place so nothing will have changed. For those who had part of the top picture cut off there should be a change and the chances are that both the first and second images will look the same size.

    3. Ah thank you! I thought that was the case :-)

  4. All is good in the world then GB ~ and we can sleep tonight? I was losing a lot of sleep over this GB ~ truly. Well done Mark for helping to adjust your template.

    1. Hmmm Carol. Certainly it was a significant irritation. So is the iPad editing comments problem. As you didn't say otherwise I assume I got that bit correct.

  5. Yes! I can now enlarge the text further if needed, without the images disappearing :)
