Wednesday 12 February 2014

Go On Laugh Why Don't You!

Too many serious subjects around at the moment.  Too many words.

Some years ago I posted about jandal-stripe (leastways I thought I did but I can't find the post).  A friend said that my toes were bandy.   I've had a thing about my toes ever since.  This year I've hardly worn jandals outside because I've spent so much time on the croquet lawns where I have to wear flat-soled sports shoes.  So I now have white feet.  When I was about to go out with jandals on recently I was told most emphatically that that would look really really silly.  So now I can't wear jandals outside.  Now be honest do you think white feet are that funny?


  1. Replies
    1. Good Viv. That's what friend are for and a little laughter does one the world of good.

  2. Yes I do.
    Not to worry it is a problem easily solved with a bit of brown boot polish.

    1. Or perhaps a bowl full of Yorkshire tea.

    2. Now there's a thought or two Adrian. I'll do some tests on a bit that won't get noticed. Isn't that what most products suggest you do? I wonder if anyone ever really takes any notice.

  3. ach wat maakt het uit ze zijn prima dat mag toch oedereen zien.

  4. You need to try some barefoot lawn bowls wearing full length black tights to fix up the imbalance in skin tone. Saving that you could seek out a spray tan booth and just get your feet done. The song Happy Feet and dancing penguins comes to mind. But I am not laughing (much).

    1. Now there's a though Carol: black tights. That really would make people look but perhaps ring the local psychiatric hospital rather than laugh. I wonder if you can buy spray tan in a can.

  5. In comparison to your legs, they have that water-logged look ;) I think you should wear anything you like, Graham. Although....I'm not sure what 'jandals' are. I'm guessing they're what we call 'sandals'?

    1. Jandels are posh Kiwi for a double plugged thong. I didn't know either.

    2. Heather as Adrian says jandals is Kiwi for flip-flops or thongs. I blogged about them here. Water-logged: Hmmm. I see what you mean.

    3. Thank you for letting me know :) Adrian, I still didn't understand the 'posh Kiwi for a double plugged thong' - hahahaha :) We do have flip-flops ... and, for the most part, around here - a thong is something I don't necessarily want to view (being a type of string undies or bathing suit) ;)

  6. As ALL of me is the color of your feet, I don't think it's your feet that look funny. It's the rest. 8-)

    1. Marsheline, one of the problems of almost never wearing long sleeves and wearing shorts most of the time I'm in New Zealand is that my body looks extremely patchy when I don't have any clothes on. Fortunately for the world I am the only person who sees me.

  7. They look as though they've been dipped in bleach. Fake tan's pretty good (or pale foundation for your legs; take your pick) if its affecting (note to Adrian: not Effecting) your self-esteem. Voila!

    1. No, Frances, my self-esteem is well intact (please excuse modern Kiwi idiomatic use of 'well'). However as a complete novice in this area I shall bear your advice in mind.

    2. I forgot to say - lovely pair of legs, GB!

  8. I first saw this post on my mobile via FB (Footbook!) and then it was cropped in a way that gave me the impression you had your feet in water. Looking at the photo now on my computer... I still get the impression that your feet look very clean! :)
    You could get a pair of toe-socks to wear with the jandals! :)

    1. I checked, Monica, and it's the same when I look at Facebook. I do shower at least once a day and try to keep my feet clean although one of the things about living in New Zealand is that most of the time indoors I don't wear anything on my feet. It is not at all unusual to see people of all ages walking along the street in town with bare feet. I am to Scottish to go quite that far.

    2. NOW I'm laughing... I never doubted your cleanliness :)
      Sometimes in spring I manage the reverse colour scheme if I sit in the sun lounger on my balcony wearing jeans or leggings, but taking off socks and shoes!

    3. I'm sure you didn't Monica and my response was supposed to be humorous but looking back I hadn't managed to make it so and, what is sooo much worse, I had misspelt 'too'. Woe is me.

  9. Your toes are NOT bandy! You have very nice toes. (Never thought I'd ever say that to anyone!) And best of all, you have no bunions or corns!

  10. Looks like you're wearing a pair of socks.....honestly I wouldn't care what others thought....go ahead and wear your jandals, although I suspect you're more cautious now about what others think after the bandy toes remark.
    People think I'm crazy anyway, and I like it like that....I can do whatever I want that way.

    1. Your friend Adrian above is a hoot.

    2. Virginia Adrian is certainly a hoot and a lot more things besides (crazy as a box of frogs is probably how he would describe himself - as well as how he'd describe me) As for doing whatever you want that is one of the advantages of age. Do you wear purple?

  11. I'm more worried about sunburn on you feet than Jandals. Sun burned feet really hurt.

    1. Red one of the things that I do in the morning when I am off to play croquet and I have had a shower and washed off the previous day's sun cream is apply more suncream. You UV factor here in New Zealand is very high.

  12. Please don't misunderstand me sir - I am not homosexual - but you have very nice feet and in warm climes you should not be afraid to reveal your tootsies. Forget what jealous onlookers may have said in the past and let the world see your feet! Apart from anything else - it is healthy to let your feet breathe.

    1. Thank your for the compliment Lord Pudding. My feet certainly breathe plenty but I rather think that nice feet is an oxymoron.

  13. GB you must go to a beach frequented by farmers and you will find many others with similar feet, except in most cases their tans only reach to just above the shin, where the gumboots come to. But please, put on the sunscreen, I know from personal experience that sunburned feet really hurt.

    1. Pauline I am fastidious with the suncream. The longer I live in New Zealand though the faster my legs tan when I get back from my 'summer' in Scotland. I think, though, that this is the first year I have had such white feet after over three months here.

  14. They ARE funny, but your feet look to be in excellent condition, very well groomed and taken care of, Graham. So, if you wish, just wear jandals (whatever these are - never heard the word before). How shall they ever get tanned anyway, if you don't reveal them?

    1. Meike thank you kindly. Because I usually do wear jandals they are usually brown at this time of my stay. I just don't seem to have been out in jandals so often this year.

  15. OH Graham, I had to laugh!! For years I was a teacher, PE mostly, so I developed quite a "sock tan" (as we call it) from my crop sports socks. In Australia a thong (flip flop) tan is considered quite the in thing. I say get out your "jandals" and wow the neighbours!! :)

    1. I didn't realise that you had taught PE Liz. I was always hopeless at it I'm sorry to say. Principally because I couldn't turn upside down without either being sick or going dizzy and passing out. This was considered a disgrace in my grammar school. A few years ago I did have very respectable 'jandal striped' brown feet but there have been fewer opportunities for wearing jandals this summer. Now, I fear, alas alack, I am too late. Ho hum. There are worse things in life. I shall just have to retire ignominiously from public life.

      PS You don't think I'm being too over-dramatic do you?

  16. Actually for some reason that picture reminds me that today I very stupidly tried to bleach some curtains without putting on the rubber gloves. What possessed me? My poor hands.....

    1. Oh Jenny that could be really really sore but perhaps it would be a good opportunity to knead some bread. At least there wouldn't be any germs lurking under the fingernails to get into the dough.

  17. GB, if I had an ounce of your humility, I would make every politician, priest, and policeman in the world take a sip. Don't feel bad about your white feet; I am so naturally pale that I have gotten a sunburn on a long drive. And that is neither a joke nor hyperbole. How I wish it were!

    1. Nathaniel here in New Zealand (and, ironically on a long summer day in the Scottish Outer Hebrides) an afternoon in the sun can produce a very nasty sunburn because of the high UV factor. Children here are allowed to roam around primary school without shoes (a common Kiwi thing) but NOT without a sun-hat and sunscreen.

  18. I thought the Graham I know and love didn't care what peonle thought. You are very much your own person!

    1. Thank you for the compliment Sue. If I had cared overmuch I don't think I'd have written this post!
