Saturday, 20 April 2013

Who's Graham Edwards? Where's GB?

I've just noticed that I'm no longer GB.  This is not good enough.  I don't want to be Graham Edwards.  Blogger has substituted my Blogger persona with my Google+ persona.  It's my fault for ticking some request box or other in an email yesterday.  Caveat Blogger!

Now how do I remedy that I wonder?

Done it.  Blogger really didn't like me doing that.  I'll no longer have all the benefits of the thousands of extra people who would come flocking to read my blog having seen me on Google+.  Do I care?  No.   I'm quite happy being just plain GB in my small corner of Blogland.  For the time being anyway.


  1. me too - i dont like this insidious takeover.... and I dont want to lose my picasa web albums and use google + either.
    And they took away Google Reader!!!

    welcome back GB

    1. I never used Google Reader, but I can understand the frustration of a useful free service being taken away. You're comment also reminds me that I really should do some more development work on the new blog reader I was writing. While it was designed for the way I like reading blogs, maybe other people would find it useful as well.

    2. Thanks Fiona. The loss of Google Reader was a nuisance because it had all sorts of deleted posts and blogs on it. There was no escape from Google Reader even if you deleted something.

    3. Fiona I didn't know, by the way, that Picassa was being threatened. What are they doing with it? I must look that one up.

  2. Yes, it's all got more complikated.

    1. Katherine I think that, like MSN, Google+ is just not very popular so they are doing all they can to boost it. It is though, as you say, so very very complikated.

  3. I had the same thing happen to me but had not the faintest idea how to get back to original self. Sometimes I'm one, sometimes I'm another and I've given up trying to figure out why. Glad you are happy anyway.

    1. Pauline go to your Dashboard and then to the icon between the New Poat and the View Blog on the right of the name of your post. Click on the little down arrow/triangle and you will see Google+ five names down. Click and, if you are using Google+ it will ask if you want to revert to Blogger profile. How long it will be before we are forced to use Google+ heaven alone knows.

  4. It's surprising the stuff that's dragged up from various places we've visited on the internet. Yes , I really wondered who this Edwards guy was.

    1. It came as quite a surprise to me too Red.

  5. Precisely for what Red mentions in his comment I am staying well away from google+. Of course it keeps being suggested to me almost every time I open my gmail inbox, but I like to have at least SOME control over what of my personal data goes where (which is why I am not on FB, and never will be).

  6. While I really like Google's services and, from a technology point of view, can understand the single combined account, I to prefer to keep things separate. Most of the people I know on Google+ are related to my work in some way (I do have a small circle of family and friends but none of them use it much), and so I'd prefer to keep my personal stuff (i.e. my blogs) separate from the work stuff.

    1. My relatively tidy mind like the idea too Mark. However they have made it way too complicated for general use and, on a point of detail, they refuse to let me use GB as my name or my identity on Blogger.

  7. I wondered about Graham Edwards, too. Glad he's gone. Welcome back, GB!

  8. I never noticed! Maybe because I know both of you alreday. Or perhaps I just wasn't reading blogs while your +personality took over. I've managed to stay away from Google+ so far. I prefer to keep my multiple personality disorder on the internet :)

    1. Monica it didn't take me long to change back (several hours) but by then I'd already commented on a number of other people's blog posts.

  9. I have avoided Google+. I assumed it was another Facebook, Bembo, Bimbo sort of thing.

    1. The honest answer Adrian is that I have no idea what Google+ is ultimately aiming at except that they already know more about most users than they know about themselves when it comes to likes and dislikes as represented by our computer use of their products. So the proclivities of any computer which has ever been used to Google a porn site (for example) will be well documented. And, for the record, my computer is a virgin!

  10. I honestly thought it was you that changed it, and I wondered why, and I was going to comment on it.
    GB sounds so much more friendlier, and not so business-like as using your full name.
    Why does Google make us jump through these unnecessary hoops?
    I'm not sure how much longer they will allow us to run away from Google+...I like sorting out my different accounts myself, without it being forced upon me.
    Tell you a secret, I'm still using the old Yahoo email interface, because they're some features that I prefer over the new Yahoo.
    Glad you're back GB!
