When I write emails I occasionally use completely nonsensical or random headings: a habit that gets some people trying to work out what went on in my head at that moment. The answer of course is usually 'very little'. Sometimes, like the above heading, the reason is obvious although completely untruthful. Today I have a whole day with no need to go out so that I can catch up with some things and prepare tonight's family dinner which is a special one: The Family's Son One, Jamie, leaves on Sunday for his gap year. His first stop will be Scotland to see family and then to work in Switzerland for the ski season before going to China to stay with his aunt who teaches there and take a Chinese language course. Chinese is considered an important language to learn in this part of the world.

Yesterday I went to a fitness studio (a gym by any other name) where they tailor a course for you and then monitor you right through the session (a sort of poor person's personal trainer). The purpose is to strengthen my leg muscles so that they are fitter when I get my knee replaced and also to do some cardiac work. I haven't been to a gym since the cardiac sessions after heart attack 12 years ago. I was fully expecting to ache all over this morning but I don't. That presumably means that either I'm fitter than I thought or that the initial workout was not challenging or both. Next session could well be a different matter!