Saturday, 3 April 2010

Thrushes Like Snails

I made the mistake recently of not putting jandals on to go to the car.  I trod on a shattered snail shell on one of the paving slabs.  Ouch.  The culprit using them to break open the snails shells could have been the subject of these photos or one of the many others who live around here feasting on the plentiful supplies of food.

 DSC03719 DSC03718 DSC03718-1


  1. Good catch! (I mean your pictures, but probably the bird thought the same about his meal.)

  2. yuck...I'm eating my breakfast - eggs, if you must...right now - not a timely post for me :)

    Great catching of shots though ♥

  3. OH, I LOVE THESE! I'm so impressed! In the second shot, he looks, well, caught in the act! And in the third, like he might be next!

  4. Nice series. Trust the foot is not too painful.

  5. That little chap could never claim it wasn't him, could he? You caught him in the act well and truly. Lovely!

  6. I haven't seen a Thrush in the UK since giving up the caravan about five years ago. Where have they all gone.
