Wednesday 9 December 2009

Remember Those Baby Bibs?

When we arrived in Whakatane and decamped from Lucy into the motel unit - we always take a large unit.  Usually that means that there are two bedrooms and a bed in the living area.  That means that I get the bed in the living area!  Apart from any other considerations I'm usually awake for several hours after the others are fast asleep.  Anyway, as usual I digress, Gaynor produced a small parcel and gave it to Jayne.  When she opened it it was an apron.  Eh?!  But it wasn't.  It was a bib!  Remember those plastic baby bibs with a foodcatcher?

Apparantly when the team had been away at the Lower North Islands Jayne had produced an apron when they were eating a Thai take-away so that she didn't get any splashes on the white team 'uniform'.   One of the team had made a comment about not using it when they went out for a meal the next day to the St Johns Club in Wanganui.  Needless to say Jayne, being Jayne, did just that.  Rumour has it that Sandra was not amused.  Sandra will never read this because she not possess a computer (nor, although this is totally irrellevant, does she possess a mobile phone).  Well here was the apron proudly modelled by Jayne.


One thing about Jayne - she's a fantastic sport!


  1. I like Jayne already! Ha ha ha Hilarious.

  2. Sensible woman! I suppose an apron does cover better than a paper napkin... (LOL)
