Monday 8 March 2010

Plane Spraying and Windows Live Writer

I think that, like Heather, I am firmly convinced that Windows Live Writer is the way forward for me for my blog postings.  I can use it to post to each individual blog without changing my browser or exiting one blog and signing into another.  In addition it is possible to insert more items such as a table or map directly.  Images can be framed easily in a number of different ways including the set Blogger format. Drafts can be saved to your own computer as well as to Blogger.  Many of the editing functions can also be done and saved off-line.   Significantly there is an ‘undo’ button which is handy when a photo has just been inadvertently been deleted.  I’ve used various image borders on these photos.  One of the best things is, as Heather pointed out, the fact that ‘preview’ gives you an exact look at what is to be posted.

Perhaps the most common way of fertilising and weed-destroying in New Zealand is by fixed wing plane or helicopter.  These photos are of that activity.


Taken at Pauline’s when I visited Northland


Taken from the deck of The Cottage


The little fixed wing sprayplane which buzzed over The Cottage one early morning before any wind got up.


  1. Well I of course also couldn't resist downloading Live Writer, haven't really tried it out yet but will... ;)

  2. I also like the ability to add a watermark right there...without affecting the original photo on our computer :)

    Woo-hoo to Live Writer!

  3. GB, The only draw back is your pictures won't enlarge, or if they do tell me how, you can download to Flickr and then upload the URL. I used it from the off. Just save your blog template to it and it does the rest.
    Best bit, it's free!!
    Lord knows what muck those planes are dropping but an Ack Ack gun would seem to be the solution.
