Sunday 20 November 2011

Quare Tempus Fugit

After Gaz and Carol left this morning before lunch, I decided that I would devote the rest of the day (apart from possibly a trip into town and two lots of washing to be ironed) to Blogland and emails and catching up with phone calls.  Despite not going to town and sticking to my plan I still haven't managed to get through all the blogs and so on although I think I've probably managed most of the emails and some of the phone calls. 

And now I've run out of time.  However I've had an epiphany (you can get them on the NHS these days!) and now know why time passes so quickly.  It's because there are only 30 seconds in a minute when you get to my age.  It's OK for you youngsters out there because you have 60 seconds in your minutes.  Just wait until you get here and find out what it's like.


  1. So that's the problem. I never knew; but can fully agree it seems like it.

  2. Ah. I thought it was the whole world spinning faster, but then it would be the same for everyone I suppose. Your explanation seems reasonable enough. Just possibly there might be even less seconds to the minute in the Northern Hemisphere though. Or else it's just that I seem to need twice the amount of sleep compared to you!

  3. Yes I start to want a double life the older I get. Not the kind of double life where you do all kinds of clandestine things, so much as a pair of lives when I will have time to do everything I want and plan!

  4. thanks for the reason of my being behind, that is what you meant, isn't it?
